First: Thanks to my (step)brother Chris, is now my registered domain name. Don't worry though,, and still all will send you here, so you shouldn't notice any difference. I've been out of the loop for a few days, but now that school is about to start up again the regular posts will resume (you're relieved, I know).
Secondly: I had another near run-in at a museum. For background on the past incident,
check this out.
I have a pretty basic knowledge and appreciation for art. I can recognize works by Picasso, Dali, Van Gogh and that's about it. My way of evaluating art in a museum consists of me asking myself one simple question as a I quickly walk past a painting: "would that look good hanging on my living room wall?" If the answer is "yes," I may stop, try to imagine the painting on other walls of my apartment, and maybe snap a picture. If the answer is "no" my gaze will dart to the next canvas hanging on the wall. Using this method, I can zoom through a gallery room full of 18th Century Flemish portraits in about 25 seconds. This turns my visits to art museums into a cross between mall power-walking and poster shopping.
I recently visited the Louvre in Paris, which I'm sure the French would call the greatest museum in the history of the world. I must admit that it was very impressive. The Louvre does not allow flash photography of its paintings. As I zoomed down the Grand Gallery I noticed this pretty awesome painting. I think it's a depiction on the Bible story when the evil Roman adulteress Herodias demands St. John's head on a platter. I could totally see this hanging in my bathroom wall, so I stopped to get a couple snapshots.

Unfortunately, I forgot to turn off the flash. See how Herodias' face is completely washed out in bright light. This is exactly what they're trying to avoid with the "no flash" policy. I probably faded away a microscopic layer of paint or something. Oh well.
Regardless, I was startled by the flash, and still on edge from the aforementioned "David" incident, so I did what any reasonable person would do...I turned off the flash and snapped another picture while running away. I later saw that tons of people were taking flash pictures of the Mona Lisa while 6 security guards nonchalantly joked and laughed with each I guess they're not TOO concerned about the flashes.

Here's a better close-up.