The "We are the World" saga continued after I had declared my victory over Tom in the Tuesday, Oct. 21 post. When we saw each other in the Centra market before class that morning, Tom seemed amused at the post and conceded that it was generally correct in its assessment of my complete victory over him. He also issued a veiled threat. He said something along the lines of "just wait, I have a big surprise in store for you" or "you better watch out...I'll get you back soon." OK, so maybe it wasn't so veiled. I've heard Tom gush about different frat house pranks from his college days involving toothbrushes, toilets, and such, so I was mildly concerned.
Life went on as normal for the rest of Tuesday and Wednesday, which meant I pretty much two full days of class. At some point during the day on Wednesday, Tom challenged me to a darts game that night (301-end on doubles, best of 7). He said it would be a 9pm and a local pub called The Gallows, which has become my favorite local pub (especially since they have "We are the World" on their jukebox"). Tom also said that I should "be ready" because "it would happen."
This is what happened...
The older Irish gentlemen having a pint of Guinness at the pub looked on in quiet confusion, when they realized that I, the subject of the t-shirt, was standing right next to Tom. Or were they confused as to whether why someone would wear such freaking huge mega-headphones? We'll never know.
Stay tuned, because something totally unexpected and magical happened as I got a visit from an old friend and some help from "above." But would it be enough? You won't want to miss the exciting conclusion....
hillarious pal.
Who is this Tom fella? He is in your posts way too much. It is a little dangerous that your blog name combines the words "Chaps" and "Master," but to dominate your entries with one man (except for that stylish Irish man with the Black Bush) and pics of San Francisco . . . very dodgy.
Maybe you should just go by Perez Hilton now.
I'll admit Tom's revenge was sweet but perhaps it was somewhat bittersweet because we all know the Flava Flav costume was by no means a fashion faux pas and more like a fashion homerun and by putting the picture on his shirt he just showed all who would view the picture that you don't need to follow the trends because you set them.
Wow, that is an impressive and clever escalation. It was predictable that things would go this way. It is always dangerous to cross a really smart drunk who has too much time on his hands because he is currently spending the first semester of law school at an undergraduate institution in Ireland.
anonymous #2: yeah, i realized the unfortunate pairing of my San Francisco pics and the "fruit stand" header. i too thought tom's shirt was a little questionable. it opened him up to insults like, "hey Tom, i didn't know that you wanted me all over your back" and so forth.
jbeems: i couldn't have said it any better. i think i had the most talked about costume that Halloween and it took about 4 minutes to make.
tbh1910: well put. correction...it should say "first semester of his third year of law school"
Chapmaster, there are officially now two tbh1910s. I did not make the correction comment.
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